Saturday, December 14, 2013

This DOES contain Spoilers

Over the last year or two, my favourite TV series has been Once Upon a Time.  In the first season, heck, the first episode, I was hooked!  In season two, we actually meet Hook.  My prediction throughout the entire thing though was that Belle and Rumple would end up together, and Henry's dad would be Rumple's son.

DING! two points to me.

Season three comes around and is SO predictable.
1. Rumple "knows" how to beat Pan i figured this out at the end of season two because he says something about a powerful enemy.
2. Pan gives Rumple the doll that Rumple's father gave him, multiple times.  Rule of thumb in D&D, if the DM gives it to you more than once, it is important! Meaning the doll is important to BOTH of them
3. Rumple's father is Pan....yes i figured this out from the doll episode but Pan exhibits so many of the same characteristics of Rumple's father AND in a previous episode he says, "can you forgive your father?"

Now the most predictable part of this was that Pan and Henry switch.  Yes i knew it had to be coming.  Henry is pure and has the heart thing going for him, Pan is old and dying off.

here is my newest prediction for the series...
Since Pan is "henry" right now and Henry is "pan" right now, the REAL pan (still parading around as henry) has the curse, Which by the way, he needs to kill the thing he cares about most in order to enact this curse, I think he will either off mr felix (bummer, he is super cute) or he will off himself (which i HONESTLY do not see happening because he likes the power too much)
 my second prediction is thus: He doesn't enact the curse due to not knowing about the need to kill off what he loves the most (HOWEVER there is a flaw in this because he DID read Henry's story book about all the fairy tale characters)
And Lastly, Tink saves storybrooke because she has pixie dust and learns to believe in herself after miss Blue was killed ( lets all pause and be sad :(  about this because she was a beacon of hope for everyone.) But she comes back because Tink believes.

As far as the Neal/Hook/Emma thing, I am actually rooting for Hook.  I feel that Neal and Emma would try and recreate what they had before and not really go for what they have now.  Granted they can both still be great parents apart, think about how good Emma and Regina are at being moms...disregard their fighting...

After the most recent episode, I have a feeling that Hook will be good to his word on backing off from Emma.

Anywho, I want to continue this series, but its getting so predictable and dumb.  Everyone is becoming related to everyone and Rumple and Regina are the main villians on EVERY character.
I love the back stories though, those are still going on and it sheds new, fresh light on the story.

Ariel and Eric got together thanks to Rumple and Belle, and let me JUST tell you how much i am in love with that story :)  I have always been a sucker for the Beauty and the Beast story, and I have always loved Rumpelstiltskin, so putting the two together was EPIC in my opinion.

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