Friday, November 21, 2014


holy crap its been a roller coaster of emotions. I got on the antidepressant and have been able to do so much more than when i was not on it.  I however, have still had my moments where i just need a break.  I got the help of one of z's girlfriends to watch him for two hours twice a week or so so that i could have some time to me. 
I have been doing nanowrimo, but i have fallen behind.  it is hard with a kiddo.  out of the 50 k words i need by the 30th, i am only at 23k.  oh well the important thing is that i started it!! :) it is a great novel in my opinion.

Tuesday, November 4, 2014

VOTE and other things

Today, I had the luxury of sleeping until noon. yea my kid actually slept for that long!!  8 pm to noon. OK so on to the important things.  I made a list of things to do: laundry, litterbox, dishes, trash, vote, mail out a payment for a bill, our bedroom, and try a new recipe. 
Anyways, i did a load of laundry, and some dishes while z played.  I gathered up all the trash and put it in the right spot so garrett could take it out when he got home.  z and i got dressed and mailed out our payment, went to the thrift store, and voted.  We also went to subway for lunch and i loved his excitement over cheetos. 
the new recipe was called tomato basil pasta nest.  I accidentally burned the sauce because i had to stop cooking and rescue a library book from an untimely death by one year old.  Was still pretty good though, dinner not the book.  poor thing.
When garrett got home, i did another load of dishes and he did another load of laundry.  He did the litterbox and took out the trash.
So, TADA!!

Also, i have participated in NanoWrimo again this year and i am at 4165 words out of 50k.  getting there!


i made this wreath today.  while it isnt the best in the world, i enjoy it.


Kiddo won't eat. He's being clingy. He wants held. Not taking to time out very well either :/