Friday, February 8, 2019

Hello Again

Hello again from me, your friendly blogger.

I am still living a healthy lifestyle, eating a lot healthier (less out to eat) to me that is a big deal.  I usually have chicken, rice, and a veggie as my main dish and a fruit as the side for lunch. I still get up at 530 and go to the gym and work out.  Like I mentioned in previous posts, I am human.  I haven't been to the gym at all this week, the first week in February. I am learning to use gloves when I weight lift though because I am getting callouses on my hands, and I see now why the guys who do weight lifting use them frequently. 
I did go today and took it easy, some abs and back work outs.  I have lost seven pounds since the beginning of January!!

This year I am happy, I am healthy, I am strong, I am the best me!

I am doing a Bible study, and I want to continue on with reading and having great time with God, because I feel good when I do it.  It also is a great way to make friends, even if it is through Facebook and blogs.

We had a "snow" day yesterday at work, and I still got up in the morning at the same time, but instead of doing things like normal, I stayed in bed and cuddled with my kiddo who came in early due to a "bad" dream.  I say "bad" because to us it is trivial and not a big deal, but to him it was HUGE!!  It was absolutely the worst.  The rocket boots he "created" to chart the stars, that could walk on any surface including gas planets, had stopped working.  See, to us no biggie, to him, massive problem.

I am feeling better than ever.

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