Thursday, March 20, 2014


so it is the first day of spring.  not that that really matters her in kansas...i mean we have a very weird mother nature.
Today it is supposed to be 80 degrees out so i want to go to the zoo.  we actually may.

Just a little tmi to everyone reading this: All of us have constipation and it hurts.  like so much worse than when i was trying right after having little baby zy.

Z was baptized and he was so excited about it.  something that helped was that my mom, dad, sister, and uncle were there.  Also a good friend from college and her boyfriend came to support us.  I think everyone else decided to bail on us.  Which i think i am finally over.  I have ranted and vented about that to my husband, my counselor, and now, some of my best friends via letters.  Thank you cards have gone out too.  Z loves his exersaucer from evenflo.  Its called Megasplash or as garrett calls it, his command station.  I use it as a cup holder lol.  As far as cup holders go, Z is starting on baby foods.  anything i have made so far such as peas, green beans have been a hit. And he started drinking out of a sippy cup!
No crawling yet, but he loves sitting up and talking to us.  well at this point its more of a yell but not for food or attention, just more of a i dont know how to control my voice level kind of thing.

We have made great progress on bills!!  We actually had money left this month! Which is good because garretts phone decided it was going to take a bath in the washing machine.  we found this out too late and placed it in a bag of rice to dry out over the night and nothing happened so we had to get a new one.  which was 99 dollars! thank god for insurance otherwise it would have been 500!  wowo.

well somehow i have gained all my weight back despite my close watch on my food eating.  Guess I better start working out more again.  The struggles the struggles!!

Frozen came out on dvd and i have every intention of getting a copy!!!  I LOVE this movie soooooooo much! so does Zy.  He sings along to it all the time with me.

It is spring break and i cannot believe that it is Thursday. Sigh. so much for spending time together. i mean we have had a lot of meals together and a lot of time to just sit and talk but we spent it with z or cleaning and straightening the house up. we are seriously behind on that.

Maybe now we can just relax, except i work friday and saturday 6 hours each day.  which reminds me i need to pay the sitter.

Today i put an outfit of overalls on z and oops they were too small!  I looked at the tag it was a 3/6 month outfiit!! oops i thought i had gotten rid of all of those and put them in storage! guess one slipped through my notice.
I really want Zs teeth to come in.  He is feverish and chewing on everything.  i can see some white trying to poke through one day and the next, nothing.  At least the formula is helping more than any of the others we have had.  and eating an ounce or two of peas or green beans with some rice cereal in it before having a bottle is really helping us out.

I am such a super shopper and budgeter!  I budgeted 250 for groceries and we spent 251.06 yay! coupons help too! Gas for our vehicle, i had 60 and we filled up at 59.47!! Our menu changes are very small and i stick to it as much as possible to keep us in line and on budget.  It is a great way to help us save and keep focused on what we are doing.

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