baby got a fish for doing good. He chose a dragon fish. i hope that it does okay. I honestly do not know anything about them. I have actually been doing research on them and they seem fairly easy to take care of. He was just so excited to have it happen!
Update: its been since july 11 and the dragon fish is doin okay. We cleaned it just like the directions said to and he died like four hours later. Kiddo is takin it well. He just really wants another one.
Update: Our filter needed to be fixed. So we bought a new one. it is cleaning things much better.
I have been going to the gym much more frequently. It helps when you have a friend to motivate you!! She is super knowledgeable on the equipment and we always map out a plan when we are going. I have been trying very hard to keep up with her at her pace but it is clear i am not as ready for it!! I could probably out do her on weights but everything else, I think she is far superior to me.
My food eating has gotten better too. It helps when things go the way you want them to and you can pay for better food.
School starts up again soon, and I am actually super ready for it!! I hope so much that I can be in the same classes as i was last year, but I am actually good to do what ever they need me to do.
i am trying not to spend a lot of money on the new clothes coming into the store because I know i have enough and I just do not need more! I just need to remember to do the laundry haha.
It Is not going so great on the romantic front. I have been trying to talk to my guy, but he has not been talking. He has gone into a sort of depression really and I try to get him out of the house and do things, but he doesnt. He also has missed our group meetings two weeks in a row, but hey no biggie he can catch up if he ever pulls himself together.
I joined a Star wars fan club group, and we do do lightsaber dueling!! i am learning to duel with a lightsaber!!!!!! Im actually pretty good at it too. :D