Time for the pool!! Outside in the sun, in the water, and lots of time with my lil guy and hubby...well when he isnt working at the pool himself. I decided that as i was wanting to swim myself, i would take zy into the big pool. BIG mistake!! Even though the baby pool is still to deep for z and there were a lot of small children and even kids as old as second grade in there, i wanted to do my own swimming! So into the big pool we went. When i first got in, one of the kids who recognized me came over and just splashed us both. i looked at him and was like really? that was not cool. I have my baby here with me and you splashed us. He looked at me like so whatever and swam away. UGH! where the friggen hell are the ADULTS!? the rule is if you are under 12 you HAVE to have an adult with you, but hey guess what? NOONE listens to the rule. It is the STUPIDEST SORRIEST EXCUSE FOR A POOL I HAVE EVER BEEN TO! the only times i am really happy there are when it is just me and z. and thats either at 11 A or 5 P when its lap swim. I hate that i have to seclude us like this, but i have no choice. the kids dont understand even the ones in the baby pool splash and where are the parents for them too? no you just sent them there with their older sibling? god i really hate this! its literally the worst idea ever to have it only be 1 dollar to get in and allow kids to come by themselves without adults. I take that back, even if there are adults there, they are either worse than the kids, or sitting on their asses doing absolutely nothing.
I really want to just scream! i mean seriously, WHY do i even bother? Garrett and i came up with a plan that was supposed to help me not be so busy and tired all the time, and HE ISNT HOLDING UP HIS END!!! I am the one who is doing it all! I am seriously pissed! i mean for reals! He spent ALL morning playing games on the computer instead of doing things like the dishes. granted i watched a few episodes of dr who instead of doing the dishes or other things as well, but im not the one who has to go in to work from 12 to 930. which will "make me tired and just want to sleep" WELL WELCOME TO MY WORLD. No, you cant sleep. I dont get to, so you dont get to.
Lets talk about how shitty my landlord is...i told her there was a leak in the pipe under the sink and it makes it difficult to do dishes without getting flooded and moldy...and nothing. hasnt done a thing. the dead tree in the yard that was supposed to be taken care of last spring, still there. the gutters that fell during the 2012 ice/snow storm right after christmas...still not fixed or put back. glass window shattered on the door to the backyard two weeks after we moved in...still not fixed. but hey the sagging car port that we never use is fixed. thanks a lot!
Thursday, May 29, 2014
Thursday, May 22, 2014
A lot on my mind
Today i have a lot on my mind.
Money, friends, relationships, and boy oh boy, my little one!!
First off, lets talk money! Money always seems to disappear! No, we are by no means living beyond our means...we dont even go out to eat, or do anything special. In fact most of the time, we sit in a chair or the bed and read books we got from the library... so it is not a matter of frugal spending. Our problem is, bills. They all come out on one day or a few days after. I know we did that on purpose because we wanted to be able to use Garretts pay check for it all so no biggie. ONce and a while though, i see people up and taking a trip to a far away place to them just because they can and i sigh and think, "that would be so nice" except we do not have the abilty to do so. I knew being a stay at home mom living off of my husbands income was going to be tough though, so its ok. I work on fridays and saturdays to give us an extra push so we dont go under, and sometimes, we still do!! There are not a lot of places to rent that will allow pets though, and that is where we are heading into a problem. the place we are in has no counter space, no storage and the landlords are not keeping up with the upkeep-such as the leak under the sink in the kitchen that i told them about a month a go. Do i want to take legal action and make them do their jobs, no. Why you ask? because the landlord is a judge. Plus they want to retire and sell the house to us anyways, but we arent interested in staying. We have been looking at houses to buy, but EVERYTHING is out of our price range. I saw a place last night that was more in our range, but it didnt have a basement or a safe zone for weather related things. I am not okay with that.
That subject depresses me, so lets talk about more stuff. friends. I miss a lot of my friends. Some are getting married, some having kids, and a lot of them buying houses and cars. I feel as though i am missing out on things like this! We live four hours away from family and most of our good friends, so its hard to just go for a weekend visit. Speaking of friends, i am going to touch on a very sad and tender subject, death. A friend of ours just died in a head on collision. I didnt know him as well as i would have liked to have, but Garrett did and we both enjoyed his company. I didnt find out through a text or a phone call, but rather, on facebook, so i thought at first it was just a joke, and then i started seeing his picture pop up more and more in my feed, so i went to his page and scrolled through and found the news. He will be missed.
Living out in this small town has its perks. There are rodeos, and people know people and i have even learned to dish out directions based on north south east west, not by street! huge accomplishment there for me, a big city gal.
Relationships. My relationship with garrett has be strained lately. We have not really been seeing eye to eye on things that really matter. it seems like everytime i ask for him to do something he gets upset. Such as a fight we had last night, which he probably wouldnt like the world knowing about but hey, its me. So here goes. The house i went to view, he was supposed to come with me. I even waited until after we ate, changed and fed zy AND zy had a nap so that we could have our wits about us. BUt what happens? Garrett falls asleep, in the middle of watching zy, in the middle of the floor of zy's room! Sigh. As i was picking up and changing Z, i hit garretts leg which jostled him awake, good now he is up and we can go, no he fell back asleep. RAWR im mad! we are supposed to be doing this together! why does it feel like im going it alone? I put z in the car in his carseat and turn on the a/c. I wait until it is cooled off before i decide i am going to go see if garrett is actually coming. He is still on the floor in zy's room. I yell out that im leaving and he better be ready, but he says he is too tired. So whatever i go on my own. I did like the house but as mentioned above, no safe area. I get back and I am livid! Z needs a nap so i put him down in the crib and i meander out into the living room to begin picking up our toys from when we played. GArrett comes out and huffy asks why im mad. I ask him in return why he is mad. he is mad because i kicked him and i yelled at him. Wow. ok. Well i give it about an hour and then i go back into the bedroom and i explain to him just why im mad. He didnt come with us to see a potential living quarters, he was watching z while i was getting ready and fell asleep while z was playing with potentially harmful things such as the crib part that allows it to slide up and down (yes we have an ancient crib in our place but it keeps z safe at night) and my thoughts were if he fell and hit his head or some other part, garrett wouldnt have gottne to him because he is asleep. I am also mad because he just fell asleep. Im tired too, dammit so why does he get to sleep and not me? oh yea because im the mom who takes care of z, the laundry, the dishes, the cooking and the cleaning because he is tired and when he tries to help he hurts. He has been slacking a lot and i am trying to pick up the slack but it wears me thin. Either he helps or i go tired and no naps for me, or we have a stinky, smelly house where there are no dishes and no laundry. Excuse my ranting. This was never really resolved because hey he fell asleep again. Rolls eyes. I am not perfect and i do not pretend to be. but when z was born i told him i would require help around the house. and things are just not getting done. I try but a lot of the times i want to sleep too and end up sleeping.
Z is crawling like crazy and i couldnt be more happy about it. it allows for more fun adventures like the one we took today!! See his blog for more information! http://zysweetprince.blogspot.com/
Money, friends, relationships, and boy oh boy, my little one!!
First off, lets talk money! Money always seems to disappear! No, we are by no means living beyond our means...we dont even go out to eat, or do anything special. In fact most of the time, we sit in a chair or the bed and read books we got from the library... so it is not a matter of frugal spending. Our problem is, bills. They all come out on one day or a few days after. I know we did that on purpose because we wanted to be able to use Garretts pay check for it all so no biggie. ONce and a while though, i see people up and taking a trip to a far away place to them just because they can and i sigh and think, "that would be so nice" except we do not have the abilty to do so. I knew being a stay at home mom living off of my husbands income was going to be tough though, so its ok. I work on fridays and saturdays to give us an extra push so we dont go under, and sometimes, we still do!! There are not a lot of places to rent that will allow pets though, and that is where we are heading into a problem. the place we are in has no counter space, no storage and the landlords are not keeping up with the upkeep-such as the leak under the sink in the kitchen that i told them about a month a go. Do i want to take legal action and make them do their jobs, no. Why you ask? because the landlord is a judge. Plus they want to retire and sell the house to us anyways, but we arent interested in staying. We have been looking at houses to buy, but EVERYTHING is out of our price range. I saw a place last night that was more in our range, but it didnt have a basement or a safe zone for weather related things. I am not okay with that.
That subject depresses me, so lets talk about more stuff. friends. I miss a lot of my friends. Some are getting married, some having kids, and a lot of them buying houses and cars. I feel as though i am missing out on things like this! We live four hours away from family and most of our good friends, so its hard to just go for a weekend visit. Speaking of friends, i am going to touch on a very sad and tender subject, death. A friend of ours just died in a head on collision. I didnt know him as well as i would have liked to have, but Garrett did and we both enjoyed his company. I didnt find out through a text or a phone call, but rather, on facebook, so i thought at first it was just a joke, and then i started seeing his picture pop up more and more in my feed, so i went to his page and scrolled through and found the news. He will be missed.
Living out in this small town has its perks. There are rodeos, and people know people and i have even learned to dish out directions based on north south east west, not by street! huge accomplishment there for me, a big city gal.
Relationships. My relationship with garrett has be strained lately. We have not really been seeing eye to eye on things that really matter. it seems like everytime i ask for him to do something he gets upset. Such as a fight we had last night, which he probably wouldnt like the world knowing about but hey, its me. So here goes. The house i went to view, he was supposed to come with me. I even waited until after we ate, changed and fed zy AND zy had a nap so that we could have our wits about us. BUt what happens? Garrett falls asleep, in the middle of watching zy, in the middle of the floor of zy's room! Sigh. As i was picking up and changing Z, i hit garretts leg which jostled him awake, good now he is up and we can go, no he fell back asleep. RAWR im mad! we are supposed to be doing this together! why does it feel like im going it alone? I put z in the car in his carseat and turn on the a/c. I wait until it is cooled off before i decide i am going to go see if garrett is actually coming. He is still on the floor in zy's room. I yell out that im leaving and he better be ready, but he says he is too tired. So whatever i go on my own. I did like the house but as mentioned above, no safe area. I get back and I am livid! Z needs a nap so i put him down in the crib and i meander out into the living room to begin picking up our toys from when we played. GArrett comes out and huffy asks why im mad. I ask him in return why he is mad. he is mad because i kicked him and i yelled at him. Wow. ok. Well i give it about an hour and then i go back into the bedroom and i explain to him just why im mad. He didnt come with us to see a potential living quarters, he was watching z while i was getting ready and fell asleep while z was playing with potentially harmful things such as the crib part that allows it to slide up and down (yes we have an ancient crib in our place but it keeps z safe at night) and my thoughts were if he fell and hit his head or some other part, garrett wouldnt have gottne to him because he is asleep. I am also mad because he just fell asleep. Im tired too, dammit so why does he get to sleep and not me? oh yea because im the mom who takes care of z, the laundry, the dishes, the cooking and the cleaning because he is tired and when he tries to help he hurts. He has been slacking a lot and i am trying to pick up the slack but it wears me thin. Either he helps or i go tired and no naps for me, or we have a stinky, smelly house where there are no dishes and no laundry. Excuse my ranting. This was never really resolved because hey he fell asleep again. Rolls eyes. I am not perfect and i do not pretend to be. but when z was born i told him i would require help around the house. and things are just not getting done. I try but a lot of the times i want to sleep too and end up sleeping.
Z is crawling like crazy and i couldnt be more happy about it. it allows for more fun adventures like the one we took today!! See his blog for more information! http://zysweetprince.blogspot.com/
Wednesday, May 14, 2014
So some of you may read my facebook statuses and know what is going on but i need this release.
Z and i spent yesterday morning at the Budget Shop volunteering. We sorted winter clothes from summer clothes and folded them and put them out accordingly. In one of the wallets i was looking at i found 45 dollars! I put it in my pocket, and thanked the Lord for how awesome He is.
Z started getting sleepy so i (having been there an hour and a half) left. Checked mail nothing interesting there, then went off to GArden City to do some shopping for us. We ate lunch at Subway, we both love subway. I knew it was going to be a good day when i heard Billy Ray on the Radio in Subway.
THen we went to Salvation ARmy where we got a few new shirts for z and one for our friend, Caleb who will be 1 soon!!!
After that we went to goodwill. We had SO much fun there!
We loved the batman outfit we found!! and loved the hanger even more. I tried to get z to play with a different toy but he kept going back to the hanger.
As i went to check out, I decided to not get some of the outfits that we had so i put them aside. I gave the guy the money and he was taking things off the hangers and i asked, "I dont suppose there is a chance i could keep that on the hanger?" He responds "No because its on loan from our corporate office in Wichita." I said "Oh," then proceeded to take the hanger from Zypher and i explained to him that he cant keep it because it wasnt his. Which to an 8.5 month old doesnt really mean anything. He started screaming and fussing i even tried giving him other toys to play with that normally work when he is fussy. I look at the associate again and ask for the hanger. to which he responds by calling his manager. WHen she arrived Zypher was still crying despite my attempts to soothe him. When she asked what the problem was, the kid and i say kid because he looked like he was 10 years old., said i was being disruptive. I looked at her and said, "I just wanted to know if there was a way that i could keep the hanger. My son loves them right now and i think it would be a good way to keep the bat shirt and cape from getting wrinkled" She said the same thing the kid did, " Its not ours to keep. they are on loan from the corporate office. im going to have to ask you to leave and not come back because you are disrupting the store." and she turned on heel and left. So i took my screaming hangerless child out of goodwill and decided im not going back to that store.
He was still crying when i got to the dollar store, to which the ladies there who havent seen him in about three months, were coddling him and holding him and said he could have any hanger he wanted even took us to a huge pile of discards that are left at the counter when people leave.
Thats all he needed. he was happy as could be. He was laughing and clapping and even talking once he got a hanger.
Is it so hard to just let us have what we want?
I did email the corporate office and let them know i was unsatisfied with how things were handled. Im waiting to hear back from them on that. Maybe i was in the wrong for asking to keep a hanger, who knows? either way, im not happy with the way things turned out. and it was such a good morning too!
Z and i spent yesterday morning at the Budget Shop volunteering. We sorted winter clothes from summer clothes and folded them and put them out accordingly. In one of the wallets i was looking at i found 45 dollars! I put it in my pocket, and thanked the Lord for how awesome He is.
Z started getting sleepy so i (having been there an hour and a half) left. Checked mail nothing interesting there, then went off to GArden City to do some shopping for us. We ate lunch at Subway, we both love subway. I knew it was going to be a good day when i heard Billy Ray on the Radio in Subway.
THen we went to Salvation ARmy where we got a few new shirts for z and one for our friend, Caleb who will be 1 soon!!!
After that we went to goodwill. We had SO much fun there!
We loved the batman outfit we found!! and loved the hanger even more. I tried to get z to play with a different toy but he kept going back to the hanger.
As i went to check out, I decided to not get some of the outfits that we had so i put them aside. I gave the guy the money and he was taking things off the hangers and i asked, "I dont suppose there is a chance i could keep that on the hanger?" He responds "No because its on loan from our corporate office in Wichita." I said "Oh," then proceeded to take the hanger from Zypher and i explained to him that he cant keep it because it wasnt his. Which to an 8.5 month old doesnt really mean anything. He started screaming and fussing i even tried giving him other toys to play with that normally work when he is fussy. I look at the associate again and ask for the hanger. to which he responds by calling his manager. WHen she arrived Zypher was still crying despite my attempts to soothe him. When she asked what the problem was, the kid and i say kid because he looked like he was 10 years old., said i was being disruptive. I looked at her and said, "I just wanted to know if there was a way that i could keep the hanger. My son loves them right now and i think it would be a good way to keep the bat shirt and cape from getting wrinkled" She said the same thing the kid did, " Its not ours to keep. they are on loan from the corporate office. im going to have to ask you to leave and not come back because you are disrupting the store." and she turned on heel and left. So i took my screaming hangerless child out of goodwill and decided im not going back to that store.
He was still crying when i got to the dollar store, to which the ladies there who havent seen him in about three months, were coddling him and holding him and said he could have any hanger he wanted even took us to a huge pile of discards that are left at the counter when people leave.
Thats all he needed. he was happy as could be. He was laughing and clapping and even talking once he got a hanger.
Is it so hard to just let us have what we want?
I did email the corporate office and let them know i was unsatisfied with how things were handled. Im waiting to hear back from them on that. Maybe i was in the wrong for asking to keep a hanger, who knows? either way, im not happy with the way things turned out. and it was such a good morning too!
Sunday, May 4, 2014
forensic is fun
so i accompanied the forensics team to Wichita for festival. We had fun at the melodrama. Serious, go see it if you can it is awesome!!! we had a great time shopping in towne east mall as well. So much to look at. As a plus, i got over my fear of escalators. yay!
the group didnt do so bad! one team got a 1 rating on their ida, one team got a 3 rating. One person received a 1 on his humorous solo and one got a 1 rating on her prose reading. YAY TEAM!!
the group didnt do so bad! one team got a 1 rating on their ida, one team got a 3 rating. One person received a 1 on his humorous solo and one got a 1 rating on her prose reading. YAY TEAM!!
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