Over the last year or two, my favourite TV series has been Once Upon a Time. In the first season, heck, the first episode, I was hooked! In season two, we actually meet Hook. My prediction throughout the entire thing though was that Belle and Rumple would end up together, and Henry's dad would be Rumple's son.
DING! two points to me.
Season three comes around and is SO predictable.
1. Rumple "knows" how to beat Pan i figured this out at the end of season two because he says something about a powerful enemy.
2. Pan gives Rumple the doll that Rumple's father gave him, multiple times. Rule of thumb in D&D, if the DM gives it to you more than once, it is important! Meaning the doll is important to BOTH of them
3. Rumple's father is Pan....yes i figured this out from the doll episode but Pan exhibits so many of the same characteristics of Rumple's father AND in a previous episode he says, "can you forgive your father?"
Now the most predictable part of this was that Pan and Henry switch. Yes i knew it had to be coming. Henry is pure and has the heart thing going for him, Pan is old and dying off.
here is my newest prediction for the series...
Since Pan is "henry" right now and Henry is "pan" right now, the REAL pan (still parading around as henry) has the curse, Which by the way, he needs to kill the thing he cares about most in order to enact this curse, I think he will either off mr felix (bummer, he is super cute) or he will off himself (which i HONESTLY do not see happening because he likes the power too much)
my second prediction is thus: He doesn't enact the curse due to not knowing about the need to kill off what he loves the most (HOWEVER there is a flaw in this because he DID read Henry's story book about all the fairy tale characters)
And Lastly, Tink saves storybrooke because she has pixie dust and learns to believe in herself after miss Blue was killed ( lets all pause and be sad :( about this because she was a beacon of hope for everyone.) But she comes back because Tink believes.
As far as the Neal/Hook/Emma thing, I am actually rooting for Hook. I feel that Neal and Emma would try and recreate what they had before and not really go for what they have now. Granted they can both still be great parents apart, think about how good Emma and Regina are at being moms...disregard their fighting...
After the most recent episode, I have a feeling that Hook will be good to his word on backing off from Emma.
Anywho, I want to continue this series, but its getting so predictable and dumb. Everyone is becoming related to everyone and Rumple and Regina are the main villians on EVERY character.
I love the back stories though, those are still going on and it sheds new, fresh light on the story.
Ariel and Eric got together thanks to Rumple and Belle, and let me JUST tell you how much i am in love with that story :) I have always been a sucker for the Beauty and the Beast story, and I have always loved Rumpelstiltskin, so putting the two together was EPIC in my opinion.
Saturday, December 14, 2013
Thursday, December 12, 2013
Be still my motherly heart
As my husband deemed him Sweet Prince, I usually call him the Long Awaited One, but Z has just melted my heart by saying, "Boo" YEs, two months ago he was saying mom or rather a variation of it, and it is much better now, but who would have thought that boo would melt mommy's heart so much?
Wednesday, December 11, 2013
Understand me, as a mother, please?!
Yes, I get it, you work hard all day for us, but I have to wonder how much longer we can put up with all of this. This is both of us here. I don't want sex when I snuggle closer, I want warmth. I want your help around the house. I want you to see the dishes piling up and say I should do those, not just pile mor on top! I want you to understand that our son wants his daddy all day we play and talk and when daddy comes up in the conversation, he does nothing but smile. when you do have him you don't talk to him or play you just sit and get frustrated that he is crying. He wants you to acknowledge him, DUH! When I say I love you, I want you to say it back. I want to hear it. When I tell you I need me time, I mean it. A time frame of an hour where I can be myself, not worry about you not taking care of our son. I haven't been able to have one of those in a long time. I'm too worried that you will ignore z. I tell you things I want to watch and you ignore it completely because it is not interesting to you. I spend my time and my days thinking on how to make you happier and I ignore my own needs to do so, and you think I can be satisfied with only a small gift in return that you admit is really for z and future kids not so much for me? I married you because I love you. I want to make a long life with you, but I feel like you don't understand me and what I want. We don't have money to be spending willy nilly I know. So I have been trying to sell some items but I am having no luck what so ever. I know you work hard but when you come home saying you're exhausted and want to sleep, try my day on for size. Worry about the things I worry about. Do the dishes, laundry, take care of z, make bottles, balance the books, play with z and rock him, soothe him, read and sing to him, bathe him, explain things to him, help him grow, change him, watch movies and play more games and listen to music with him. Go out on errands such as mail, bills, get more books, try applying for part time work. It never ends. You come home from work and get to leave it there, my work is currently in the next room sleeping. My job doesn't end like yours does. My job is being a mom.
That being said, I want to thank you for the foot rubs you give me when I'm rocking z to sleep.
That being said, I want to thank you for the foot rubs you give me when I'm rocking z to sleep.
Tuesday, December 10, 2013
Thursday, December 5, 2013
A Day
Today marks 5 years that my husband and I have been together. Not necessarily married, just together.
While he went off to work this morning, I went abut feeding and burping and playing with the small one.
I left him in his bouncer so i could get some more sleep. He eventually fell asleep too.
As he woke up from his nap two hours later, to my dismay, he was crying. He needed fed and changed being as he was in his diaper and had not eaten in four hours.
I tried to get up. I honestly did. the covers really were holding me captive. I rolled over, turned the monitor off, and attempted sleep. I could still hear him crying and i wanted to get up but i couldnt bring myself to. I couldnt bring myself to get up out of bed and go help my child.
I wanted to be selfish and sleep.
Eventually i got up and got him fed, changed and bundled up. I was taking him to see a friend so that i could be selfish, sleep, take a bath, and do me things.
I have not had any me time, and this is how it has gone so far.
I ate my lunch more slowly than i would. I didnt have to talk to z through it or play with him or smile at him. I didnt need to worry if he was going to need to be held while i was mid bite either.
Here i am, writing, and trying to figure out how to do my next project. I am running out of money, so i am crafting gifts, which i think will be more special anyways.
So I help my husband by picking him up and he says happy 4 years. I was livid! 4 I ask. Yes because then it seems like longer later. Why does he have to be so aggravating?
While he went off to work this morning, I went abut feeding and burping and playing with the small one.
I left him in his bouncer so i could get some more sleep. He eventually fell asleep too.
As he woke up from his nap two hours later, to my dismay, he was crying. He needed fed and changed being as he was in his diaper and had not eaten in four hours.
I tried to get up. I honestly did. the covers really were holding me captive. I rolled over, turned the monitor off, and attempted sleep. I could still hear him crying and i wanted to get up but i couldnt bring myself to. I couldnt bring myself to get up out of bed and go help my child.
I wanted to be selfish and sleep.
Eventually i got up and got him fed, changed and bundled up. I was taking him to see a friend so that i could be selfish, sleep, take a bath, and do me things.
I have not had any me time, and this is how it has gone so far.
I ate my lunch more slowly than i would. I didnt have to talk to z through it or play with him or smile at him. I didnt need to worry if he was going to need to be held while i was mid bite either.
Here i am, writing, and trying to figure out how to do my next project. I am running out of money, so i am crafting gifts, which i think will be more special anyways.
So I help my husband by picking him up and he says happy 4 years. I was livid! 4 I ask. Yes because then it seems like longer later. Why does he have to be so aggravating?
As much as I love my son, his crying gets to me. Today was one of those days. Z was crying while we were trying to watch Batman begins. I went to pick him up and immediately sat him back down because I found myself feeling like I would shake him. Its been a huge fear of mine so I always walk away. I mention we will have to watch the movie another time due to z needing caring and me not being able to understand let slond hear what is going on and hubby comments that he is always going to need cared for so we're never going to watch movies in peace again or watch TV that it just won't happen. My level of tolerance shot to the ground I did not like that answer so I got pissy. I said that he needs to go change lil ones diaper which he soaked through being as we're still trying to get the feel of this cloth diapering thing. He brings back a less crying lil one but still in his same clothes. Ugh! Just yesterday...well two days ago now, we had a conversation on how he felt I belittled him for not knowing how to poke the brownies and see if they were done and for not knowing that he has to let them cool before digging in, so I chose my words carefully. "Why didn't you change his outfit?" His response " you said diaper not clothes." Oh be still my tongue! NOT! " would you want to sit in wet clothes? No! Why make him? Give him here." He handed over z and I promptly took him upstairs to change him. I mentioned I was going to bathe him before feeding him and Garrett says to do it after so he is calmer, never mind that z has to have special attention due to his reflux and bathing after feeding is a no no. I looked at him as I put the bottle in the warmer. I asked him to get z ready for a bath and my heavens what a hassle! I came back and z was still in his clothes! not even ready! I wanted to give him a quick bath then feed him, Garrett didn't have him ready. Yea, I'm ticked now. I practically ripped the diaper off, run to the bathroom so not to lose or waste the warm water and rush through washing z off. I ask if the bottle is ready as I put on his nightie. Garrett feeds him but as z is falling asleep, he tries to burp him. No problem, except he spit up on Garrett in his teaching clothes. To which Garrett says oh, so much for these. Sigh. If only he knew how many times I changed a day before the medicine. As frustration sets in, I left to wash and make bottles for the night. That did nothing to calm my nerves. Maybe I'm just testy because aunt flow is kicking my ass or because we only have 20 dollars to our name, or because I'm sacrificing so much to be out here alone all day and can't contribute to income. I'm selling off my possessions like flies but because the only things of value are our books and dvds we aren't getting many bites due to increased technology. I'm going to cancel my credit card to my favorite and only clothing store that has stuff that's cute that fits, changed our phone plan, and we have stopped going out to eat, anywhere, period.
I'm so glad I can call up a community member and ask for time off though because here shortly, I will need it, else I blow a fuse and lose it. Garrett and I were just sitting and I found an article on "spot the wrongs" it was a nursery picture and I looked and found. I read some comments out loud and Garrett remarks, are you done yet? To which I shut my computer and left the room. He tried to get me to come lay down but yea, I'm not going to, I'm too wired and not exactly in the mood to be around him.
PS conditioner does not get rid of all tangles.
I'm so glad I can call up a community member and ask for time off though because here shortly, I will need it, else I blow a fuse and lose it. Garrett and I were just sitting and I found an article on "spot the wrongs" it was a nursery picture and I looked and found. I read some comments out loud and Garrett remarks, are you done yet? To which I shut my computer and left the room. He tried to get me to come lay down but yea, I'm not going to, I'm too wired and not exactly in the mood to be around him.
PS conditioner does not get rid of all tangles.
Wednesday, December 4, 2013
Bento for the hubby day 3
These bento lunches have been such a big hit!
It is supposed to look like a fort...
I'll get better at the artsy thing though :)
It is supposed to look like a fort...
I'll get better at the artsy thing though :)
beginnings and finishes

Inspiration found here:

and also here:
this one is white with gold ribbon

Tuesday, December 3, 2013
Sewing for fun
I stumbled across this and thought, MUST MAKE FOR MY HUSBAND!!!
i ended up making these
I stumbled across this and thought, MUST MAKE FOR MY HUSBAND!!!
i ended up making these
Bento of the day today!
today i made pb&j rolls, brownies from scratch, celery, carrots, peppers, cheese stick, fruit snacks, fruit roll up,and pizza potato chips. Verdict to come later.
idea for this came from ohayobento.com
idea for this came from ohayobento.com
Bento For the Hubby Day ...well...Yesterday
I decided to go all cultural on my hubby with the left over rice we had from the chicken and rice lunch on sunday. So his lunch monday was rice, celery, peppers, pepperoni, chicken and cheese wraps, cheese stick, yogurt strawberry banana i believe, and loaded baked potato chips. he also had a fruit roll up and fruit snacks for afterschool. He liked it :)
all my ideas are products of reading Ohayobento.com
all my ideas are products of reading Ohayobento.com
boredom blog
Here I go. On the ultimate journey. The biggest quest i have faced yet! Motherhood. Yea, its been three months thus far and everyone is fairing just fine, minus a few hiccoughs here and there, but who doesn't experience those from time to time?
After not being on in oh lets face it, years (2007!!!) I have decided to pick this blog thing back up.
I do not know what exactly i will do, or what the world will have instore, but i needed something to keep my spare time busy :)
After not being on in oh lets face it, years (2007!!!) I have decided to pick this blog thing back up.
I do not know what exactly i will do, or what the world will have instore, but i needed something to keep my spare time busy :)
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