Z pet a couple horses today! He liked it
Saturday, October 25, 2014
Friday, October 24, 2014
Last night i was going to finish season 1 of supernatural but the last 10 mins skipped. Stupid library movies.
Zypher was up at 630 this a.m. I thought I was scheduled a noon to 5. So at 945 as per usual I put z for nap. At 1005 my boss calls and says I work at 10. Fuck my life sideways. I took my time getting showered then rushed through getting z up. Sorry babysitter for cranky baby :( about 45 mins before my shift ends my arm starts bothering me. Sigh. To top it off I'm menstrating
Thursday, October 23, 2014
On a much funner note, here is a picture of the Infinity scarf I made using THIS tutorial on arm knitting :) Although it really works (and looks) better if you use thick, heavy, fluffy yarn.
Sunday, October 19, 2014
Uhm what?!
Garrett said I'll make you a deal: if the bedroom and z room are clean and ready for vacuum I'll do that and take care of z rest of night. Shouldn't you do that anyway?
Saturday, October 18, 2014
I am so over the damn place. Ugh I hate how everyone is related or in each others business. I hate that our insurance does not pay for any of Zypher's shots! I am fed up with this place!!
Thursday, October 16, 2014
what do parents teach?
I started to take them. one a day. it is supposed to take 7 to 10 days to start but i already slept better and had more energy today.
A new coping mechanism i thought was stupid at first. Putting the alphabet together. my husband started it as a game. The wooden alphabet wagon that my son got for his birthday. if the letters are out of order you see how many you can put in order before you run into a repeat (just A and B repeat) so 28 blocks and me tried this today while having a slight anxiety attack. It wasnt bad. I did it and had no repeats. and was calm. I told garrett that it helped me and as i was doing it again this evening, garrett said i was doing it wrong and then he tipped the wagon upside down and he did it himself. I was so mad and upset. i cried and z cried and i took blocks away from him. oops, we cant do that. i gave them back and appologized to him. sorry garrett that was mean of me. i looked at z and said i didnt need to be mean to daddy, it was not ok. z agreed.
Thursday, October 9, 2014
Best time!
I made a pit stop at my favorite winery and got some of my favorite wine!!! My sister and i had so much fun spending time together!!
As a rule, i tend to take z out for a date just me and him. It keeps me sane, lets me spoil my kiddo, and I get to spend some money. Anyway, we generally eat subway. Yesterday afternoon while at subway, z had his little toy car and was making the car noises and staying next to me. I ordered a full meal and grabbed baked potato chips only to find my lil guy grabbed cheetos and was hugging them to himself as he walked over to our booth and put the chips on the seat. he then walked back to me BIGGEST CHEESY SMILE I HAVE EVER SEEN HIM HAVE!! he was so proud of himself! I put the chips back and got him settled in. started on the cheetos, put some bread and chicken with them and he ate. he ate like he was starving!! silly kiddo.
Now, garrett got me a book for my birthday which i didnt care for so i took it back to the store. With the cash back i got the book i wanted AND a curious george book for Z. he loved it. he read it to me in line to check out.
We finished the series firefly and are going to be moving on to serenity. We also will probably pick up Eureka but im not sure. So if you have seen Eureka and think that its worth a watch, let me know please!!