Sunday, March 30, 2014

Prom was a disater

YAY PROM!! I am SO excited for it!  I worked 8 to 3 Saturday.  Up at 6 to take care of Zy and get  myself fed and ready.

At work ALL of our gas pumps were down so that hurt our income serious impact on our revenue flow im talking like 5000 plus dollars here people!!

Anywho, the guy came and fixed them was a professional from the company and not just some random maintenance guy.  He said there was a short in the wiring and our submerged pump (the part that actually pumps the fuel) was clogged and needed replaced.  He did fix it all though and now the gas pumps faster than it has!!  yay!

Prom:  HELP ME I NEED A SITTER!!!  ok we found  a sitter and we got a bag packed for Zy and we got ready for prom.

Garrett assured me i was going to love it!  That it was going to be super.  (I wonder how much of this was marketing ploy from him-a junior class sponsor, since the theme was, "under the big top")

We  got there and the valet service was only for the juniors and seniors...DUMB! last year they parked all cars. Note to all though-last year it was blizzard conditions and icy out this year it was all about the wind.

Anywho lets begin with dinner.   They asked what i wanted to drink so i went the safe route and said water, until i got to the table and saw that there was a "circus program" that included what was to eat and drink...and there was tea. SIGH i was hoping to get the tea but the servers never came back to refill our cups!! WTF?  -for some reason we were placed with a group of the teens instead of with the adults which was super awkward because they were so "tight" with each other they shared food and drinks they were also speaking in spanish to each other the whole meal.
our meal was bbq brisket, green beans, and mashed potatoes. even though the menu said there was potatoes au gratin and either tossed salad or blt pasta salad.  No dressings (which i dont mind because who wants to kill a salad with that?) but we werent given a choice, they ran out of tossed salads so we had to get the blt salad.  The plate of food was so small and served on paper plates. with beer stiens with mustaches on them for drinks. Not impressed. THIS IS WHAT MAKES ME MAD: this is the EXACT SAME MEAL THEY SERVE AT EVERY DINNER PARTY EVER IN THIS TOWN. like its the only thing they know how to make or something.  We were supposed to be able to choose cheesecake or peach cobbler but oh we're out of cheesecake so you only get cobbler. *roll eyes* how the HELL do you run out? the table behind us barely got any food at all. I didnt touch any of my food i gave it all to Garrett even though i was noticeably hungry -tummy was growling rest of the night.  They KNEW how many people were going to be in attendance, yet they ran out of food?  Im so done ugh.

At the dance:  the snack table was raided before it even started and everything was gone so fast that the sponsors who were actually in charge were a) baffled and b) pissed off.  WHAT THE HELL were you expecting with a shitty meal like that provided? i mean seriously?
there was a smoke/fog machine that would go off randomly and it was just weird. because kids found the controllers and were messing with it the rest of the night.  DONT EVEN GET ME STARTED ON THE BALLOONS!! have balloons will get high.  ugh.  And the parents and chaparones just laughed at it.  when a teenage girl gives a gradeschooler a balloon and says suck on this its fun, and the parent does nothing i feel so sorry.  Because everyone laughed after that like it was just so cute.  Maybe im blowing it out of porportion because i was mad that dinner is ALWAYS THE SAME MEAL, but i dont feel that that was either funny OR acceptable behaviour from all parties involved.

I wanted to dance because that was the actual fun part!  however there was a different dj this time and he wasnt playing dance songs really.
i stayed close to the door because they had the gym done up literally like a circus tent which made me feel very clausterphobic due to the lack of lighting and doors and open space.  They do this for prom every year apparently and for the snowball dance too. why block out everything why not just have an open floor?  last year it was bad too because i was pregnant and clausterphobic.
Everytime i mention somehting like this to garrett though he rolls his eyes and sighs like its really not an issue, but to me, it is.  Maybe its because i grew up in a large town that i cant stand half of this crap, or maybe its hormones, who knows but i really am not liking it around here as much as i used to

Friday, March 28, 2014

RAGE RANT contains language

So I go in to my work place at 7:15 am so that i can get a cup of coffee and I double checked that I was to go in at noon, which i was.  Boss tells me that the pumps have stopped pumping and oh guess what, we have to wait until maintenance comes to work on them.  SIGH.

Ok so I get Zy all ready to go and I get to the sitter and they tell me that they cant watch Z tomorrow (Sat) because its prom and they need to get their daughter all ready for it and what not.  UGH!!!

Well here goes my work day.  No too bad to start off with. They were working on the pumps (guess the filter was from 2010 and some connections had come loose, go figure). Things are going great! I am happy, smiling and getting more done than normal.  And cue the friday after school rush (3:20-4) which normally is not a problem, yet today, at THIS time, the pumps decide to stop working AGAIN. I called the help desk and the guy says "Well is there fuel in the ground?"  I dont know! how am i supposed to know!? "I dont know sir, how do i check that?"
"You read your meter" What meter?  "Uhm where is that?" "It should be on the switchboard with the rest of the numbers you use to change the gas prices..." "We dont have that. we still have to change them by ourselves sir." "Oh well then i cant really help" ARE YOU FUCKING SERIOUS!? I HAVE 5 customers in here needing fuel and ITS NOT FUCKING WORKING!!!!!!

I  am working with the customers though with a smile on my face and being as jolly as i can because hey thats how you make the world go round right?  but really on the inside i am screaming and crying and having an anxiety meltdown. people are pissed off at me, like its MY fault that everything has stopped working.  And i am just wondering how much more of this i can take.  I mean for real people, why does going to work have to trigger my anxiety? every single time i am there, something happens/ goes wrong! its starting to make me wonder just how much the extra 400 a month is worth... Its helping us pay bills and keep from going in the hole each month. and dont suggest that we be frugal with our spending because we are.  We dont do anything that isnt a bill or some sort of payment ie loans and student loans.

 So i called my manager who was upset that helpdesk guy didnt help me. said he would make sure that the guy would lose his job. (yea livid manager is not cool remind me to stay on his good side!) anywho, he reset the system and it worked...for ten minutes.  sigh. then i got really busy AGAIN and couldnt get to call the helpdesk again or do any of my closing duties.  I have no idea what is going to happen.

I have two missed text messages and a missed phone call from my babysitters trying to get a hold of me to see if i was off of work yet because they apparently have somewhere to be at 530. UGH!!!!

Now i have a screaming baby and shaken nerves and a cat that is meowing my head off and i cant seem to calm down to take care of any of it.

Thursday, March 20, 2014


so it is the first day of spring.  not that that really matters her in kansas...i mean we have a very weird mother nature.
Today it is supposed to be 80 degrees out so i want to go to the zoo.  we actually may.

Just a little tmi to everyone reading this: All of us have constipation and it hurts.  like so much worse than when i was trying right after having little baby zy.

Z was baptized and he was so excited about it.  something that helped was that my mom, dad, sister, and uncle were there.  Also a good friend from college and her boyfriend came to support us.  I think everyone else decided to bail on us.  Which i think i am finally over.  I have ranted and vented about that to my husband, my counselor, and now, some of my best friends via letters.  Thank you cards have gone out too.  Z loves his exersaucer from evenflo.  Its called Megasplash or as garrett calls it, his command station.  I use it as a cup holder lol.  As far as cup holders go, Z is starting on baby foods.  anything i have made so far such as peas, green beans have been a hit. And he started drinking out of a sippy cup!
No crawling yet, but he loves sitting up and talking to us.  well at this point its more of a yell but not for food or attention, just more of a i dont know how to control my voice level kind of thing.

We have made great progress on bills!!  We actually had money left this month! Which is good because garretts phone decided it was going to take a bath in the washing machine.  we found this out too late and placed it in a bag of rice to dry out over the night and nothing happened so we had to get a new one.  which was 99 dollars! thank god for insurance otherwise it would have been 500!  wowo.

well somehow i have gained all my weight back despite my close watch on my food eating.  Guess I better start working out more again.  The struggles the struggles!!

Frozen came out on dvd and i have every intention of getting a copy!!!  I LOVE this movie soooooooo much! so does Zy.  He sings along to it all the time with me.

It is spring break and i cannot believe that it is Thursday. Sigh. so much for spending time together. i mean we have had a lot of meals together and a lot of time to just sit and talk but we spent it with z or cleaning and straightening the house up. we are seriously behind on that.

Maybe now we can just relax, except i work friday and saturday 6 hours each day.  which reminds me i need to pay the sitter.

Today i put an outfit of overalls on z and oops they were too small!  I looked at the tag it was a 3/6 month outfiit!! oops i thought i had gotten rid of all of those and put them in storage! guess one slipped through my notice.
I really want Zs teeth to come in.  He is feverish and chewing on everything.  i can see some white trying to poke through one day and the next, nothing.  At least the formula is helping more than any of the others we have had.  and eating an ounce or two of peas or green beans with some rice cereal in it before having a bottle is really helping us out.

I am such a super shopper and budgeter!  I budgeted 250 for groceries and we spent 251.06 yay! coupons help too! Gas for our vehicle, i had 60 and we filled up at 59.47!! Our menu changes are very small and i stick to it as much as possible to keep us in line and on budget.  It is a great way to help us save and keep focused on what we are doing.

Thursday, March 6, 2014


Hello blogging world.  Long time no post.
Here is a little bit of an update.
SNOW APOCALYPSE  happened, lil z is talking and can fully sit unsupported now.  I am still working at the gas station on the weekends, we have paid off TWO hospital bills and only two remain (very large ones sadly, but we WILL get there!)

My husband and myself have been fighting over silly things.  Mostly due to stress and a very large time frame of  not seeing each other.  Its hard when he leaves at 7 and doesnt come home until 5 most days.  But as a dutiful wife and mostly stay at home mommy, i am trying to keep the house clean, laundry done and dinner ready.
 Which also leads to silly arguments.  I really am not supermom and i never have pretended to be.  I knew i would need help and help has not been given freely.  I have asked and asked several times for his help and yes, he will do laundry on the weekends, disappearing into "the dungeon" or rather, basement in our small house we rent. But the big thing is that i am just so tired these days!  I blame the weather, i really do!  THere is nothing worse than it being 70 degrees one day and the next -2!!!

Ok so we hashed it out very loudly in the dungeon while lil z slept because, lets face it, he didnt need to hear it or be near it.  We came to the wonderful conclusion that i need to be more upfront about what i need done and he needs to be more available.  yay for us.
It has been going on a week now since this happened and we are doing a lot better.

As far as baby z, check out his blog,